Spring 2024
Issue 24
Gianluca Cuozzo
McKenzie Wark
Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis
Paul Morland
Laurent de Sutter
Michael Hardt
Weaving Stories
Venice Biennale
Italo Calvino
Alfonso Berardinelli
José Bértolo
Badiaa Bouhrizi
André Príncipe
Carnation Revolution
About this edition

A law of excess rules the contemporary world in every domain. The products of consumer society, the financial logic, wealth and poverty, the phenomena of social and political life, the growth of cities, the circulation of people and goods, rubbish and waste: everything has abandoned its due measure and has been growing and proliferating unchecked. The notion of Excess, its manifestations and effects, is the theme of the central section of Electra 24, with essays by Gianluca Cuozzo, Christian Salmon, Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis, McKenzie Wark, Paul Morland and Laurent de Sutter.

In this edition, the renowned Italian literary critic Alfonso Berardinelli writes about Italo Calvino, the great writer who took narrative, the short story and short forms to a supreme level of literary construction, and Michael Hardt, one of the most distinguished political theorists of our time, speaks to Electra about love and revolution, language and liberation, activism and prison, and his new project on the urgent need to take another look at the revolutionary movements of the 1970s.

In the ‘Planisphere’ section, photographer André Príncipe travels to Tunisia, where he meets Badiaa Bouhrizi and engages the singer, author, composer and activist for freedom and social justice in a conversation on African politics, music and identities. The words of the interview are enhanced by images to form a visual essay.

For Electra 24’s ‘Scoop’, visual artist Mónica de Miranda, historian Sónia Vaz Borges and choreographer Vânia Gala, who form the collective representing Portugal at the 2024 Venice Art Biennale, contributed a series of texts and images that reveal the major themes and motivations of the ‘Greenhouse’ project, a creole garden, through which they explore the themes of colonialism, war, liberation struggles and ecology.

Also in this issue, Italian philosopher Donatella Di Cesare describes her visit to Portugal immediately after the Revolution of April 1974; designer Ruedi Baur proposes a ‘forest city’ in opposition to the ongoing urban destruction; Afonso Dias Ramos reviews the release, in France, of the unpublished course on the relationship between painting and philosophy given by Gilles Deleuze in 1981; Amândio Reis analyses a verse from a poem by Fernando Pessoa/Álvaro de Campos; essayist and photographer José Bértolo visits the Japanese city of Tokushima, following in the footsteps of diplomat and writer Wenceslau de Moraes and filmmaker Paulo Rocha; Nélio Conceição presents a reading of Ensaios [Essays] by Robert Musil; and Gonçalo M. Tavares writes about the word ‘Toxic’.

Calvino and the Pathos of Distance
Calvino and the Pathos of Distance
Michael Hardt: 'Nothing takes longer to solve than a false problem.'
Michael Hardt: 'Nothing takes longer to solve than a false problem.'
Ser zero em Tokushima
Ser zero em Tokushima
O excesso
O excesso
Destined to Excess
Destined to Excess
The Secret Life of Rubbish
The Secret Life of Rubbish
Excess and the Grotesque: New Forms of Political Sovereignty
Excess and the Grotesque: New Forms of Political Sovereignty
Luxury Writing
Luxury Writing
O excesso do feio
O excesso do feio
The Demography of Scarcity and of Excess
The Demography of Scarcity and of Excess
Fernando Pessoa – Álvaro de Campos: ‘And the whole of reality is an excess, a violence’
Fernando Pessoa – Álvaro de Campos: ‘And the whole of reality is an excess, a violence’
Weaving Stories — Greenhouse
Weaving Stories — Greenhouse
On Walking*
On Walking*
On crossing
On crossing
The Carnation Revolution as Seen from Italy
The Carnation Revolution as Seen from Italy
It touches your heart, but it doesn't make you sad — an Encounter with Badiaa Bouhrizi and Tunisia
It touches your heart, but it doesn't make you sad — an Encounter with Badiaa Bouhrizi and Tunisia
Towards a Reappropriation of the City
Towards a Reappropriation of the City
Robert Musil: The Needle and the Fabric of an Era
Robert Musil: The Needle and the Fabric of an Era
Gilles Deleuze, The Natural Catastrophe of Painting
Gilles Deleuze, The Natural Catastrophe of Painting