Vania Baldi in Electra and in Público

The Italian sociologist Vania Baldi, author of the essay Between Artificial Unconsciousness and Machina Sapiens published in issue 25 of Electra, was interviewed for the Público newspaper.


Oskar Schlemmer, Gruppe am Geländer [Group and Railing], 1931 © Photo: Lutz Braun / Scala, Florence / bpk, Bildagentur für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte, Berlin / Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf

For the new section of Electra, titled ‘Noah's Ark’, the Italian sociologist Vania Baldi draws on the philosophy and anthropology of technology to develop a reflection that challenges the unrestricted belief, blind optimism, and ethical negligence around new systems of Artificial Intelligence. Speaking to Público about his book Otimizados e Desencontrados – Ética e Crítica na Era da Inconsciência Artificial [Optimised and Disconnected. Ethics and Criticism in the Era of Artificial Unconsciousness], which was published this year by Humus editions, Baldi returns to his critical approach on the current course of the digital world, social media and artificial intelligence, and on how technology affects the economy and politics, work and leisure, human relations and the creation of knowledge.

The news can be read here.

Electra will be at the Porto Book Fair (23 August to 8 September) and at the Belém Palace Book Festival (5 to 8 September).

Daniel Blaufuks, author of the Book of Hours in Electra 9, presents the exhibition The days are numbered at MAAT - Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology in Lisbon.

Electra magazine returns to Parque Eduardo VII, in Lisbon, for the Lisbon Book Fair, which runs from 29 May to 16 June 2024.