Book of Hours
at different times (on different days)
Pedro Cabrita Reis

In this diary, Pedro Cabrita Reis describes his senses to the world. They're all there, all five of them, shrewd, active and as alert as antennae to the news of nature and the scintillations of culture.

This sculptor, painter, sketcher, bon vivant (in its most literal sense) and citizen of the world believes that art is life without quotes and life is art without delay. He feels that the world is the largest studio and the studio is the closest world.

The pages in this diary are in facsimile form because the handwriting and sketches intertwine, entangle, interlock, possess each other and belong to each other, and only in this single, unique form do they belong to us. Here we find what, in Cabrita Reis, is the most vivid, a vitality that makes everything his.

This 'Book of Hours' is based on a private agenda and takes the form of music notation. It speaks to us of a certain poetically inhabiting the world, without which we don't inhabit it.