Football stirs up such passion in so many people that some have called the phenomenon ‘football fever’. This sport, which has taken over from all others and conquered the world, deserves to be regarded from an analytical and critical point of view, without any empty, unnecessary ‘fevers’. Football today is a very powerful, complex ‘system’ that goes far beyond stadiums and championships and has invaded our everyday lives, even if we are not actually fans. Football is so expansive and plays such an important role in daily routine that it has far overflowed stadiums. It attracts political power and has an extreme, exaggerated crystallising effect on manifestations of economic and media power. It is a world of heroes and cults that are mostly ephemeral and subject to money circulation laws. Glory generally runs fast here and stops for no-one. The anthropological significance of football as a show, a competition and a ritual is a challenge that requires intricate analysis.
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