The thematic dossier of this issue of Electra focusses on one of the psychosociological features that helps us draw the profile of our time. We generically call it ‘narcissism’, but this term that has reached us from classical mythology and that psychoanalysis has appropriated, displacing it to its clinical field, branches out into various ramifications leading to individualism, selfishness, and artistic and literary modalities centred around the Self (think of the hybrid genre called ‘autofiction’, which combines protocols of fiction and those of autobiography). Ultimately, it results in a pervasive ‘identitarian culture’, as the philosopher and psychoanalyst Élisabeth Roudinesco calls it in her book The Sovereign Self: Pitfalls of Identity Politics. This book, moreover, prompted an interview with the author, which is accompanied here by another interview with Miguel Benasayag, as well as articles by Sinziana Ravini, Dominique Rabaté, António Bracinha Vieira and Vincent Cocquebert. These revisit the myth of Narcissus and several modalities of narcissistic disorders carried onto the social plane and into artistic creation.